This is a an English-language version of the Norwegian båtførerkurs. The course covers navigation, reading nautical charts, sea marks, navigation lights, safety and environment, regulations for preventing collisions at sea, navigation instruments and numerous smaller topics.

The exam from this type of course became mandatory May 2010, for boaters born 1980 or later if they are to use boats of more than 8 meters or having an engine of more than 25 hp.  

These courses do not occur at regular intervals, courses are arranged when there is sufficient customer interest.

Please contact our instructor Joakim for further details. 


Item Price (NOK) Description
 Course, normal price  2100 Includes practical training
 Course, additional family member  1350 Includes practical training
Textbook, sea chart #16 (southern Rogaland), various smaller items
 Exam fee to the state 625
 Total, first participant  3125 Total price for one participant, includes everything required for course and exam 
 Total, each additional participant  1975
Total price for additional participant (family member), includes course and exam, but assumes using the same materials as first participant

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