Welcome to the Boating School POSEIDON 

This school is a private entity, owned and operated by Jan Welde in Stavanger and his family. The school started as a hobby back in the early 90-ties, and it has now grown to be a full time job. The aim of the school is to provide training courses for the increasing amount of pleasure boat owners, operating bigger and more demanding boats. The school is spesialised towards relevant certificates available in Norway, and we are dedicated to give our courses the most practical angle; that is mainly done by using the POSEIDON II as a training vessel.


Updated News

Here we have a regular update of news, mainly related to our activities at the school, and also some information about new rules, and changes in regulations pertinent to pleasure boating.


Coastal captain 

The Certificate "Fritidsskipper D5L" is what is required to skipper pleasure boats with a total length of more than 15 meters. The course has a total of about 120 hours, and it comprises themes like navigation, navigational instruments, ship knowledge, rules and regulation, safety, motor and technology. We conduct these courses in Stavanger on a regular basis, and we also have the same course available on the Internet for those who want to study at home, or setting up a group within a boating club or with family and friends.

These courses have become increasingly popular the last years, and we are pleased to say that everybody has been very, very satisfied with our courses. With no doubt, this is partly to the practical approach and the the extended use of our training vessel POSEIDON II throughout the courses.

World Wide 

The Certificate D5L is primarily intended for sailing Scandinavian waters. It can however be ammended by taking an extra course and go for the certificate D5LA  -  sometimes called "Astro navigation" or "World wide". During this course we learn how to use the sextant to find our position, rather than depending on the GPS. The course also covers some basic metheorology, oceanography and some other themes relevant to those who intend to cross the real big oceans.



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